
Who is this Fake Pinoy Who Golfs and Rides an Escalade?

We all know about Pinoy baiting but faking your citizenship to get advantages in a country is another thing.

This person is not a senator but he reportedly always rides his Cadillac Escalade with plate number 7 whenever he golfs in Wack Wack Golf & Country Club. He also takes it with
him as he frequent casinos nightly.

A curious case, since single plate numbers can’t just be used by everyone whenever it pleases them. He’s neither a senator nor a congressman.

The Cadillac Escalade is bulletproof, so one would wonder if he has many enemies, because even when utilizing EDSA, he allegedly opts to traverse the bus lane instead. It is
not surprising because he does not respect nature, too, they say.

Really, him having a Cadillac Escalade is not an issue save for the plate number. He is rich so he can afford the luxury vehicle which costs over 10 million pesos and Manny
Pacquiao also has the same car. The thing is, a case was filed against him for being a fake Pinoy.

Where does he get his guts from? Well, not everyone has fathered a politician who has a good position in the government.


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