
William Gatchalian’s Sibuyan Mining Company Altai Gets Ceast and Desist Order from DENR

3 staff agencies of DENR particularly in the MIMAROPA region issued a cease-and-desist order vs. the Sibuyan mining company, Altai Philippines Mining Corporation (APMC / Altai). These are the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, the Environmental Management Bureau, and the Regional Executive Director. The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer (PENRO) has begun an official investigation with regards to the damages caused by the illegal mining to the sea grass and other marine resources on the island.

The joint order issued last February 6 contains a cease-and-desist order which should put a halt to the construction of a causeway in Sitio Bato, Brgy. España, San Fernando, Romblon. The orders are “deemed executory upon receipt”. Altai’s Ore Transport Permit was suspended, and its application for Miscellanous Lease Agreement was denied for having violated Commonwealth Act 141, which is the Public Land Act.

It turns out that the Mineral Sharing Agreement with Altai was approved by DENR way back December 23, 2009.  However, on the 23rd of September in 2011, DENR-Geosciences Bureau (DGB) actually issued a cease-and-desist order already, in response to the complaint filed by then Mayor Dindo Coronol Rios against Altai, due to the alleged danger of the mining activities in the rivers and streams of Sibuyan Island.

Last February 9, Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) general manager Jay Daniel Santiago announced that they didn’t issue any permit to William Gatchalian or Altai. The Batangas Port Management Office has jurisdiction over Romblon and PPA Batangas does have documentation of their application such as the letter of intent. They were asked to submit requirements but they didn’t comply as of writing.

According to Altai’s Project Description for Scoping (PDS), on the 12th of July in 2022, DENR-MGB issued the First Renewal of Exploration Permit.

Sibuyan Island is being referred to as the “Galapagos of Asia” because it has been isolated from the rest of the Philippine archipelago since its emergence.

Two other Sibuyan mining companies which also came other fire from environmentalists and DENR alike for alleged illegal activities are Dynamo Atlantic Ltd. and Sibuyan Nickel Propeties Dev’t Corp.

Alyansa Tigil Mina disclosed alleged links between Altai, Sen, Sherwin Gatchalian, DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian, and The Wellex Group Chairman Kenneth Gatchalian. The latter is the son of William Gatchalian, who is also known as “The Plastic King”. According to PCIJ, Kenneth will benefit directly from the two companies besides Altai, as he is connected to Dynamo and Dynamo was actually able to acquire Sibuyan Nickel prior. Sen. Risa Hontiveros already filed Senate Resolution No. 459 so there would be a congressional investigation on these matters.

The Sibuyan Island mining issue first gained attention on social media via Twitter and Reddit when photos of the residents clashing with the police and forming a barricade to stop Altai spread.

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