Shots and Alternates: A ‘Hello, Universe’ Review

Shots and Alternates: A ‘Hello, Universe’ Review

Synopsis: Ariel Dasalan (Janno Gibbs) is a former ace basketball player who missed a winning shot and ends up as a pest control employee, unlike his rival back then, Mac Morales (Gene Padilla). A rainy day and possibly the worst birthday of his life brings forth an unexpected blessing: a…

Drei Arias and Conan King, Krista Miller’s “Bingwit” Seduced Straight Boys
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Drei Arias and Conan King, Krista Miller’s “Bingwit” Seduced Straight Boys

Yes! AQ Prime is n full throttle as audiences better prepare themselves as the streaming platform presents world class cinematic entertainment guaranteed to make you ooohh and aaaahh! For a 100 pesos subscription fee, you have a three months access to all quality Filipino films and prograns Truly worthy of…