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Kuya Kim’s Hacker Exposed!

Internet reports indicate that the authentic Kuya Kim has at long last come forward. He sheds light on the identity hack.

He displays clever and amusing clapback memes, but the point is still made.

The biggest takeaway here is “Number Mo, Identity Mo.” You must register your sim number in order to prevent unauthorized use of it.

For Globe users, you may visit new.globe.com.ph to safeguard your identity. You have until July 25, 2023 to do so or your sim gets deactivated.

Our number is linked to our social media, bank account, mobile wallet, credit card, e-commerce account, government record, employment record, personal record, and more.

One’s mobile number is indeed now one’s identity in this fast-paced digital world, so by all means, it must be kept safe.

Know more here:



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