
Zephanie Dimaranan Has Instagram Sleek New Look for 2021

In celebration of her 18th birthday, Zephanie made all her fans wait for what is about to happen on her social media accounts especially her Instagram feed as she cleared it out days before her birthday.

With new aesthetic and feels, Zephanie shows a different look in her photos, fiercer, more ladylike and far from her sweet aura. She exudes confidence, sass and modelesque attitude on her pictures. Along with her newly uploaded photos are some captions related to transformation.

In one of her photos, the caption says, “Kung bukas hindi mo na ako kilala, huwag kang manalamin. 02|14|21 with the hashtag #ZephanieShiningAt18.

This draws attention to all her fans as to what Zephanie is going to unfold on her special day.

In an interview, Zephanie shared that she is excited for what’s in store for her this year. “A brand new Zephanie”, she added.

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